Hey sweet friend,
Maybe it’s the never-ending to-do list that runs through your mind the moment you wake up. Or the thought of, “I have to do this again? I’m just so tired” that bubbles up before you’ve even opened your eyes. Is it self-doubt that paralyzes your joy before your feet even hit the floor?
A Google search will show tons of results for daily motivation apps, motivational quotes, or positive daily affirmations. The number of articles and videos on morning routines is overwhelming, but so are the things you need to accomplish them! It seems like it would take all day to complete one aesthetic morning routine that you see online.
But. We need something to anchor us. Whether it’s anxiety, depression, or just the busy-ness of life that is getting you down in the morning – you need something to hold onto.
That’s why I love this verse:
This is the day that the LORD has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.
– Psalm 118:24
When I get out of bed, I say “This is the day the Lord has made – I will rejoice and be glad in it.” Saying this reminds me that each day is a new gift to enjoy.
God made this day and he wants you in it.
Psalm 118 is full of praises to God for the way that he saves. The verses before this one actually refer to Jesus as the cornerstone.
The stone that the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone.
This is the LORD’s doing;
It is marvelous in our eyes.
– Psalm 118:22-23
2000 years ago, God saved you through Jesus Christ. He is creating a new heaven and a new earth to spend eternity with you. Let it sink in and change your perspective of today.
1 Peter 2 quotes this verse about Jesus as the cornerstone and then reminds us,
Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
– 1 Peter 2:10
Depression may tell you that the day is too overwhelming for you.
Anxiety might try to convince you that you don’t have options.
But the truth is that God wants you here today, breathing in the air of this beautiful world he has made.
He’s already saved you. You’re one of his people. He is on your side.
Out of my distress I called on the LORD;
the LORD answered me and set me free.
The LORD is on my side; I will not fear.
What can man do to me?
– Psalm 118:5-6
One Response
A great verse to start your day with!