
Countdown to Christmas?

About a month before Advent began, the calendars hit the shelves. Walking through the aisles of my favorite grocery store, I noticed an Advent calendar for dogs – “cute!” I thought, and quickly texted a picture to my husband. I sent it to him knowing

Quality of Life

Hey sweet friend, I found myself thinking about how my quality of life has decreased since I had my son. I’m a new mom navigating the craziness of the newborn phase for the first time. I had heard that the newborn days are challenging. People

Cultivate Joy with Gratitude

Hey sweet friend, It has been a WHILE since I posted last. Between completing the first year of my graduate program, planning for the summer, taking care of normal life stuff, and working through some big personal developments (I’d love to share more later) –

How to Cultivate Joy with Scripture Cards

Hey sweet friend, How do you cultivate joy? In the previous post, I talked about how God is the ultimate Gardener – the Holy Spirit plants the seeds and produces fruit in us. But we still have an active part to play! We’re called to

Cultivate Joy

At the start of 2022, I chose JOY as my word for the year. At the start of the year, I got married, moved seven hours away from my family, began a new job to support us while Aaron completed student-teaching for his degree, and

Daily Motivation

Hey sweet friend, Maybe it’s the never-ending to-do list that runs through your mind the moment you wake up. Or the thought of, “I have to do this again? I’m just so tired” that bubbles up before you’ve even opened your eyes. Is it self-doubt

What’s Your Identity?

Hey sweet friend, Let’s talk about identity. In our culture, “labels” are a big deal. Some labels are good, some are bad. We typically don’t like it when someone else labels us. But what about the labels we put on ourselves? What about the way

Hope in a Season of Waiting

Hey sweet friend, Are you in a season of waiting? Waiting for the next season of life, a promotion, college acceptance letter, to find your spouse. Or have you experienced this in the past? I’ve always heard people talk about being in a season of

Dealing with Disappointment

Hey sweet friend, Disappointment can be the result of bad news as serious as a medical diagnosis or as minor as learning that an Old Navy sale ended before you could snag those ten-dollar jeans. It can be as major as receiving a rejection letter